Garima Bharti, founder of Get Better Physiotherapy and Pilates Centre

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Garima has over 20 years of experience working as a Physiotherapist. She’s a member of  the Australian Physiotherapy Association, an associate lecturer at University of Queensland and a Certified Reformer Pilates instructor. Her experience and interest has been in the Musculoskeletal field of Physiotherapy and chronic spinal pain. Garima came to Australia in 2006 and after a gruelling process of acquiring the Australian Physiotherapy license, started working again in 2008.  After working for another company for  about 3 years, she realised that the quality of service being provided was poor.

Patients were being hooked onto machines and heat packs. They might walk out with few basic exercises to then manage their pain at home. This really frustrated Garima as a young physio. Because Australian physios are supposed to be world leaders in manual therapy!

Her frustrations led her to believe that she could serve people better. Garima could listen to patients more, could pay attention to how exactly their lives were being changed because of the pain and then work out a plan to help them. She valued the privacy of her patients. Garima  didn’t just want to show them exercises to do at home but actually help them step by step in their journey of recovery. So  Get Better Physiotherapy Centre  was established with a vision to achieve all of the above.

She’s passionate about helping people suffering from chronic spinal pain and educating them about the short and long term results of Physiotherapy. Garima is also passionate about treating post pregnancy back pain and abdominal separation (Diastasis Recti) expecially because there’s not enough information provided to mothers after pregnancy and child birth. There’s a lack of education and knowledge about the after effects of pregnancy and child birth , let alone complications like pelvic floor tears/prolapse or abdominal separation. Much needs to be done in this field and it’s Garima’s aim to help women who have suffered these issues but have not been heard.