Pain under knee cap?
Pain under knee cap is a very common presentation. It is usually felt in front or under the knee cap and is caused by swelling behind the knee cap (patella). This pain can prevent maintaining a normal exercise routine as well as interfere with daily activities. If you experience knee pain around the knee cap, it is important to know what the warning signs are and when to seek Physiotherapy treatment.
There is pain on climbing or descending stairs and hills, after prolonged sitting with knees bent, during squats, lunges, running and starting a new exercise program. Swelling and muscle weakness often accompany pain. It is more common in women aged between 30-50 years .
Knee pain
Causes of pain around knee cap
Many factors can cause knee pain with increased activity and loading. Some of the most common causes are as below:
How to treat pain under knee cap?
First of all it’s important to get a Physio assessment about the cause of your pain. According to Australian Physiotherapy Association, Physios can accurately diagnose your condition. Physiotherapists at Get Better Physiotherapy centre can completely diagnose the problem and let you know exactly what’s causing it. Once the diagnosis is made, the right treatment can follow.
Next, it’s important to get it treated asap! This is so the pain does not stop you from doing your daily activities. Once the pain settles down, it is then extremely important to strengthen the muscles around the knee. Your Physio will guide you regarding the right exercise to do at the right time. It is important to progress slowly and get back into exercising gradually to avoid re occurrence of pain