Telehealth is nothing but delivering consultations online. These are unprecedented times requiring the same measures. As the world assumes the new normal , most of the businesses are trying to get online. So why should the Physiotherapy profession be left behind? Since the government has put tough restrictions in place to stop the spread of coronavirus, face to face consultations have become increasing difficult. The internet provides a great platform to help people in the comfort of their homes. Major health funds, Medicare and even Department of veteran affairs are now supporting online Physiotherapy consultations.

So how does telehealth work?
Well all you need is a smart phone, laptop or tablet and off you go! Your appointments are booked as usual but within the comfort of your home! There are various platforms that allow easy access such as zoom and skype. For example, with zoom, the Physio sends you an email with a link few minutes prior to your appointment. Once you click on the link, zoom gets downloaded in an instant. This is very secure as it is password protected. Furthermore, until the physio gives you access to the consult, your video will not start. This further increases the security. On the other hand , skype requires you to download the software. With so many easy options, telehealth relaly becomes quite convenient.

How will hands on Physio treatment occur via telehealth?
I am sure you are thinking “but I love my massages!”. Of course we do! But there’s a solution! Don’t worry you will still get the same , if not better, results as an in room session. Online consultation don’t just mean exercises. Our Physios will show you techniques to release muscle tension. Thereby improving your joint movement. Some of the techniques involve using your own body weight. Others may require a foam roller or even a spikey ball. If you have had treatment before, you surely have these items sitting somewhere deep inside your basement. As an in room session, these are then followed by strengthening exercises. So you can maintain what you have achieved in the session.