Gym workout is back again! yay! The restrcitions have eased and we are finally allowed to head back to our gyms to lose all the lockdown weight. Now I am sure you are rearing to go. However, in a haste to get back to your “pre lockdown body”, don’t end up with an injury. This will set you back even further from your goals. It is important to follow these simple steps to ensure your gym booty is back without costing you an arm and a leg..literally.
1. Take it slow with your gym workout

As much as you are itching to get back to lifting a hundred kilos, it’s important to take it slow. What does this mean? Don’t start lifting 100kgs on your first day back into the gym. I know, I knwo you were doing that before. But hey, you’ve just had a break of a few weeks. Your muscles have lost that strength believe it or not. Unfortunately it’s hard to build up muscle but it’s not hard to lose it. So be a tortouise when it comes to returning to your pre lockdown weight. Increase your lifting weight gradaully.
2.If you are in pain , modify your gym workout

This is for all of you doing bootcamps and doing group fitness classes. There’s really no point doing 50 reps if you are in pain. You will end up hurting your joints and muscles. Remember pain is not normal. So if you are feeling even the slightest discomfort while doing an exercise, your form is not right. Go over it with your personal trainer. You will find that you actually don’t need to do 50 reps and are able to get the effect with 25 reps with a good form!
3. Compete with yourself not your neighbour !

This is a big one! again for anyone doing group classes. Now I know you have been trying to beat that girl in the front row. But hey at what cost? You don’t want to injure yourself and end up not being able to workout at all do you? So it’s important that you measure your performance from the last session. Not with the person next to you. Have a workout diary where you document your weights and reps. As you increase your weight it will help you leep track of your progress.
4. Make sure you fit a warm up and cool down in your gym workout

Do you know one of the commonest reasons injuries occur in a gym? When you haven’t warmed up well and when you are fatigued. It is important to warm up albeit for 5 minutes. Do a quick jog on the treadmill or a cross trainer. It should be enough to break a sweat. Only then start your gym workout. It helps to warm up your body before exercises. Never stretch a cold muscle. I always recommend stretches as a cool down rather than a warm up. Muscles stretch better when warmed up. It’ll be more effective. And always hold the stretch for a minimum of 10 seconds to get an effective stretch.
5. See a Physio if your pain has not improved while doing a gym workout

We work closely with the guys at 6 pack bootcamp and Snap Fitness Browns Plains to help their members recover from injuries. As a Physio I can recommend modifications of exercises while still keep you working out. It’s very important to us that you don’t miss your workouts because of an injury. We will never tell you to stop working out. Instead we modify the exercises so you continue the strengthening exercises unless of course you are unable to do so. For example in cases of ligament injuries or fractures. Yet our goal is always to get you back to exercising as soon as possible.