Pelvic floor muscles are absolutely important in protecting the lower back and form a major part of the “core” that forms a natural brace for the spine. One of the biggest strain on these muscles is during pregnancy and child birth. The pelvic floor muscles are stretched to the max and sometimes can even get torn in the process. Which is why a few women do end up with pelvic floor weakness that shows up in different forms. Some may have bladder leakage, some back pain and some others may have excruciating pelvic pain. I am passionate about helping women with back pain post pregnancy. And I must say that strengthening the pelvic floor is a big part of my rehabilitation process. So this is exacty how our physiotherapists can help you strengthen your weak pelvic floor muscles.

Detailed assessment of pelvic floor muscles for any dysfunction
There are specific symptoms associated with pelvic floor weakness that help us in diagnosing the problem. Some women may not even realise that bladder leakage is a big sign of weakness even if it happens every now and then. There are also certain patterns that we as physios can pick up when we question our patients. We see a strong link of back pain and pelvic floor muscles weakness that a patient may not be able to correlate themselves. We also then go through specific tests to know exactly which joints may be affected. If the lower back is involved or not. This is pretty common after pregnancy and child birth. So it’s very important to get a complete pain assessment because what you may consider as “normal pain” after pregnancy, may not be so.
We use Reformer Pilates to strengthen weak pelvic floor muscles

I really cannot talk enough about reformer pilates. In my opinion it’s the best way to get back into exercising after child birth. Provided that you have a trained experienced professional looking after you. Unfortunately the reformers in the gym focus more on the fitness aspect and not the rehab aspect which is what’s needed in the weeks and months after pregnancy. Our classes only have 4 people at a time so we can focus on the form and provide a more individualised experience for the participant. What’s more is that these are covered by the health fund too because i’s a physio running it. Plus we are experienced with working with women suffering from pelvic floor weakness so you can rest assured that you’ll be looked after.
We focus on the long term not quick fixes

Human nature right? We want instant results! That’s ok. You will but we just have to have a little patience when it coems to our bodies. Our bodies are logical I promise, what we feed it will definitely show. But building strength in the pelvic floor muscles is not instantaneous. It requires time but I’m sure you’ll start feeling the changes with every session. It’s important to also remember that sometimes these issues can be complicated with back pain or any other joint pain or even a surgery like c section. So it’s a good idea to take things slow but steady. We write out a plan of action with simple do’s and dont’s for you to follow at home. We try to provide a timeline as much as we can but it does depend upon how good you are with your homework.
So if you or anyone you know is suffering from pelvic floor weakness, please don’t wait. Call us now and we’ll be happy to help you!